
[Textile industry to strengthen the "three products" strategy]
Release date:[2016/10/6] Is reading[1496]次

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) today issued the "Development Plan for the Textile Industry (2016-2020)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). It is proposed that the textile industry should focus on the "three products" strategy of increasing variety, quality, Manufacturing and green manufacturing, to promote the industry towards high-end, initially built textile power.

"Plan" requirements, "13" during the textile enterprises above designated size industrial added value growth rate remained at an average annual growth rate of 6% to 7%, textile and apparel exports accounted for global market share remained stable, the textile industry growth mode from the scale of speed type To the quality and efficiency change.

"Textile industry from the size of the speed to the quality and efficiency change, reflected in a series of scientific and technological innovation, structural adjustment, quality, brand and green development indicators." Ministry of Industry and Planning Division official said.

"Twelfth Five-Year" period, China's textile industry average annual labor productivity growth of about 10%, 16 results of the National Science and Technology Award. According to the "planning" to the "13th Five-Year" at the end, the textile industry, the average annual growth rate of invention patents granted 15%, full-scale enterprise labor productivity growth of 8% annual average; large and medium-sized enterprises research and experimental development expenditure accounted for the main The proportion of business revenue to 1%.

In addition, by the end of the "thirteen-five" period, the proportion of fiber consumption in the three categories of end products for garments, home textiles and industries will reach 40:27:33; the green manufacturing system for the textile industry and the energy consumption of the added value of the textile industry will be reduced by 18% %, Unit of industrial added value of water dropped 23%, the total discharge of major pollutants decreased by 10%.

In order to achieve the above objectives, the "Plan" identified six key tasks such as upgrading industrial innovation capability, energetically implementing the "Mishin" strategy, advancing textile intelligent manufacturing, accelerating the green development process, promoting regional coordinated development and enhancing enterprise comprehensive strength. Industry, industrial textiles, natural fibers, high-end textile and garment manufacturing, textile and other key areas, to strengthen industrial innovation, optimize the industrial structure.

Ministry of Industry and Planning Division of the relevant responsible person said that the expansion of domestic demand and consumption upgrade will be the biggest driving force for the development of China's textile industry, urban and rural incomes growth, new urbanization and the implementation of two child policy full implementation of the development dividend and reform bonus stack, will promote the upgrade Type of textile consumption growth. To further consolidate and enhance China's textile industry in manufacturing and international trade in the advantages and status of the formation of innovation-driven development, enhance the quality and efficiency, brand effect is obvious, international cooperation to strengthen the textile industry to develop a new pattern.

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